
Reading time: 8 min

By 2050, the world’s population is expected to reach 9.6 billion people. This is excellent news for increasing prosperity, but it will increase consumption and waste generation, which contributes significantly to the acceleration of climate change. Responsible consumption is an attitude that involves making well-reasoned decisions about the products we buy by taking into consideration their environmental, social, and economic benefits. 

What is responsible consumption?

Responsible consumption aims to integrate social, environmental, and ethical aspects into purchasing decisions. Consumers committed to this model are informed individuals who seek to minimize the environmental footprint of their actions and have a positive impact on society. 

When it comes to addressing excessive consumption, sustainable purchasing is guided by the following principles:

  • Reduction: The aim is to limit consumption, while assessing the need for certain purchases.
  • Energy efficiency: Consumers also seek efficient, low-consumption products that can be reused or recycled.
  • Sustainability: Finally, consumers check that the components don't have a negative effect on the environment once the the item reaches its useful life.

The “use and throw away” linear economy has environmental consequences, as it creates waste. This waste decomposes in anaerobic conditions, generating methane (CH4), CO2 and other gases that contribute to global warming and, consequently, climate change. The transition from a linear to a circular economy model can mitigate these negative effects of consumption. Until now, actions to promote the circular economy in Europe have focused mainly on sustainable production and the role of companies and industries, displacing the role of consumers, who are essential in this transition towards an economic model of sustainable development. 

Repsol and responsible consumption

At Repsol, we are aligned with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of the United Nations and contribute to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Therefore, our 2021-2025 Strategic Plan incorporates a firm commitment to innovation and technology as tools to respond to the energy transition and a circular economy model in line with our customers' current needs.

As a leading multi-energy company committed to climate agreements, this is our contribution to the United Nations SDGs:

  • Decent work and economic growth: We contribute to economic and social development, committed to quality, secure, and inclusive employment throughout our value chain. We currently provide direct employment to more than 24,000 professionals of more than 70 nationalities.
  • Climate action: We promote sustainability and efficiency in our production processes to contribute to a low-emission future compatible with the Paris Agreement.
  • Affordable and non-polluting energy: We are firmly committed to providing less polluting, more accessible, and safer energy and technologies that contribute to sustainable economic and social development. Our Company’s new targets call for a 60% increase in installed renewable generation capacity by 2030 to 20 GW. By 2025, the new installed capacity target stands at 6 GW.
  • Clean water and sanitation: We are working on integrated water management to increase efficiency in the use of water resources and minimize the environmental footprint using our Repsol Water Tool.
  • Industry, innovation, and infrastructure: We promote the search for new ways to generate more sustainable energy and transform it more efficiently, driving innovation through our Repsol Technology Lab.
  • Responsible production and consumption: We aspire to manage all natural resources, processes, and waste generated by our operations throughout the value chain in a comprehensive and rational manner. We also promote responsible consumption among our customers through initiatives such as Waylet, Vivit, and the WiBLE carsharing service.