Fraud alert

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Important information about possible criminal practices using the Repsol brand

Cyber fraud has become an increasingly common criminal activity over recent years. False websites or fraudulent emails that, using Repsol's logo and sources, offer goods or services from unknown suppliers, request monetary payments, or advertise fake job offers, etc., are just an example of these types of activities that aim to trick our suppliers and customers for a financial benefit or to steal sensitive information.

In line with its values of transparency and responsibility, Repsol works daily to identify and warn people of these situations.

Repsol never requires payment to be involved in a Company recruitment process, nor does it communicate changes to bank accounts via email. Also, it is not common practice to request personal information from our suppliers or customers by email or telephone. If you receive such a request that seems suspicious, you should get into contact with your usual Repsol representative by filling out this form to check whether the information is trustworthy.

ALERT: €3 fuel card

Fraud alert symbol

In recent weeks, we have received various inquiries from users worldwide related to a campaign announcing the possibility to obtain a 200 liter fuel card for just 3 euros. This is a scam that involves filling out an online form that may lead to the wrongful dissemination of the user's personal data. This communication has been posted on social media.

We strongly recommend that you do not open any message or link related to this campaign, and if you are unsure, please contact our support channels.

Moreover, as a general rule, we recommend that you keep in mind the following recommendations if you receive a suspicious message from Repsol:

  • Do not reply to unsolicited emails or messages from unknown senders. Likewise, do not open attachments to these emails.
  • Do not provide sensitive information (access details, credit card or bank account numbers, etc.) to unknown people or websites that you do not trust.
  • Be wary of situations that do not follow the normal flow of events or that are unjustifiably urgent.
  • Verify that the person contacting you is who they say they are. Remember that social media accounts do not serve as justifiable personal identification mechanisms.
  • Do not make any payments without first checking the recipient's details.

Repsol shall not be held responsible for damages caused to third parties in the event of fraud using the Repsol brand or one of its suppliers/customers.

Do you have any questions?