Repaving a section of road

We repair the La Plana highway in record time

Asphalt News 28/03/2019
  • The repaving of a section of the La Plana CV-10 was completed in just 15 days, half of the estimated time.
Worker and machinery working on the La Plana highway

Always taking into account our commitment to offering the best customer service, we supplied our bitumen asphalt for the repaving work on the CV-10 highway in the municipality of Betxi (Castellon), carried out by the Temporary Consortium formed by our clients Becsa and Pavasal.

Ordered by the Department of Public Works of the Community of Valencia, the work involved strengthening and repaving a section of the CV-10 highway, which has been in service since 2000.
The aim was to treat the wear of the existing surface, preserve its load-bearing capacity, and repair and improve the quality of the road surface. The importance of this is based on the high frequency of vehicles that travel along this stretch of the CV-10 highway - more than 13,000 - including the passage of trucks traveling to the port of Castellon.


We finished faster than expected

The work was completed far quicker than initially planned (in 15 days, when the expected period was one month).

To achieve this, it was necessary to organize the work of the different units into shifts to cover the entire 24-hour period while also ensuring a sufficient supply of bitumen to the manufacturing plant, a task carried out by our asphalt operations team.

Once again, we have served our customers quickly and effectively, responding to their logistical and product needs.