We are the best-valued company in the “Best Polymer Producers Awards for Europe 2020”

Chemical News 28/09/2020

We are awarded for the fifth consecutive year in the awards granted by the European Plastics Converters association (EuPC). In this edition, we have received four of the ten available awards: the Best Producer Award for High Density Polyethylene (HDPE), Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE), Polypropylene (PP), and the overarching award on Circularity covering all polymer types. We thank our clients for recognizing our client-centered and circular economy focused strategy.


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We have been awarded for the fifth consecutive year by the European Plastics Converters association (EuPC), bringing together our main European polymer customers for the "Best Polymer Producers Awards for Europe." Every year, the European plastics industry chooses the best producers of polymers in Europe. We have been bestowed with four awards in this edition, including the overarching award on Circularity, being the only company awarded in more than one category.

On this occasion, nine products and a global category of Circularity were voted. Out of the ten categories, we have been awarded in four of them: the High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Best Producer Award, the Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) Best Producer Award, the Polypropylene (PP) Best Producer Award, and with the overarching award on Circularity covering all polymer types. This last distinction constitutes a recognition of our circular economy strategy that we have been implementing, since 2016, as one of our key levers to be a net-zero emissions company by 2050.

We value the trust of our customers during these five successive years, serving as a stimulus to continue working in this same line in the future.

Cuadro de premiados en los 'Best Polymer Producers Awards for Europe 2020”